Set or update your home page metadata
Metadata, such as a page's title and meta description, is displayed in search engine results. It doesn't affect your chances of being listed by a search engine, but a good meta description can increase the likelihood that visitors will click through to your store. It's a great way to attract more traffic.
The title and meta description must be unique for each page, and must describe the content of that page. For every product, page, or blog in your Shopify admin, there's a search engine section where you can input the information as you want it to display on search engine results pages.
There is a 70 character limit for titles. Not all search engines will truncate after the character limit is reached, but most will truncate on a word, rather than in the middle of a word, to improve readability. Search engines list only about 140 characters of your meta description below your title tag, so keep it short.
You can view a preview of how your page displays as a search result on a Google result page.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.
In the Title and meta description section, enter your home page metadata under Homepage title and Homepage meta description.
Click Save.
Learn more about adding keywords for SEO to your Shopify store.
Last updated