When a customer submits a return request, you receive an email to review the request. You can approve or decline the request in your Shopify admin. When approving a return request, you can add exchange items, email shipping instructions and any return labels to your customer.
To review return requests, you need to be the store owner or have the Orders permission. Learn more about Staff permissions.
Approve a return request
You can review a return request and approve it. You can add exchange items to your return and select how your customer needs to return the products.
After you create a return, a confirmation email is sent to your customer. If you create or upload a return label, then it's also included in the email.
Click the order that you want to approve the return request for.
In the Return requested section, click Review request.
Optional: To edit a restocking fee or a return shipping fee, complete the following steps:
In the Summary section, click Restocking fee or Return shipping.
Enter a new restocking fee or return shipping.
Click Save.
Optional: To add exchange items to a return, complete the following steps:
In the Exchange items section, click Add products.
Select the exchange items, and then click Done.
Optional: To apply a product discount to exchange items, complete the following steps:
Click Apply discount next to the exchange item's price.
Enter a discount type, discount value, and a reason for discount.
Click Apply.
In the Return shipping options section, select one of the following options:
Select Create a return label in Shopify to create a return shipping label for your customer. This option is available only if your primary location and customer shipping address are both in the United States.
Select Upload a return label to upload an existing return shipping label for your customer. You can upload a PDF or JPEG file for your return label or add a return label URL. You can also enter a Tracking number and Shipping carrier.
Select No shipping required to create a return without any return shipping information.
Click Approve.
After you receive and inspect the returned items, you can issue a refund, and restock applicable items.
Decline a return request
You can review a return request and decline it. You need to select a decline reason and create a decline message for your customer. A decline reason isn't displayed to your customer and is for internal use only.
After you decline the return request, your customer receives an email with the decline message.
Click the order that you want to decline the return request for.
In the Return requested section, click Review request.
Click Decline.
In the Decline reason drop-down menu, select a decline reason. A decline reason isn't displayed to your customer.
In the Message to customer field, a message will appear based on the decline reason selected. Customize the message or leave as is for your customer and explain why you're declining the return request.