Fulfill an order
You can fulfill an order from your Shopify admin. You can add a tracking number during the fulfillment process or after you fulfill an order. The tracking number is displayed in the shipping confirmation email and shipping update emails. After you fulfill an order, the order fulfillment status changes to Fulfilled.
If an order contains products stocked at different locations, then you can fulfill part of the order separately based on the location of your inventory:
If an order can be fulfilled using the inventory at a single location, then all items in an order are grouped in a single Unfulfilled section.
If the order can't be fulfilled using the inventory at a single location, then your order is split into multiple Unfulfilled sections, also known as fulfillments, based on location. You need to fulfill each fulfillment separately.
You can set location priorities to specify the priority sequence for order fulfillment.
Fulfill part of an order
You can fulfill part of an order in your Shopify admin. For example, if an item in an order is out of stock or is a preorder item, then you might want to fulfill part of an order, so you can ship the items separately.
Add a tracking number to a fulfilled order
If you receive a tracking number after you fulfill an order, then you can still add the tracking number to your order. You can add multiple tracking numbers to an order and you can send a notification email to your customer with a tracking number.
If your carrier isn't fully supported by Shopify or you select Other from the Shipping carrier drop-down menu, then you can enter the tracking URL manually. The URL is used on the order status page to link to the carrier's tracking page. Make sure to enter the complete URL including the digits that your carrier provided to track the shipment.
Change the location of a fulfillment
You can change the location of a fulfillment for any unfulfilled orders. For example, you might want to change the location of a fulfillment due to stock availability, associated shipping costs, or to expedite a delivery.
You can't change the location of a fulfillment for local delivery and in-store pickup orders.
If you have order routing set up, then the next best fulfillment location is recommended for the selected items. This recommendation is based on your shipping and delivery settings.
Split a fulfillment
You can split a fulfillment into multiple fulfillments based on line items and quantities. For example, if one of the items in an order is out of stock, then you can remove the item from the order so that the remaining items can be delivered to your customer as soon as possible. The out of stock item is later delivered in a separate package.
From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.
Click the order that you want to split a fulfillment for.
In the Unfulfilled section where you want to split a fulfillment, click ..., and then click Split fulfillment.
Select the items that you want to split a fulfillment for.
Click Split fulfillment.
Merge a fulfillment
You can merge multiple fulfillments from the same location into one fulfillment based on line items and quantities. Merging a fulfillment can help simplify your fulfillment process and reduce shipping costs.
From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.
Click the order that you want to merge a fulfillment for.
In the Unfulfilled section where you want to merga a fulfillment, click ..., and then click Merge fulfillment.
Select the items that you want to merge a fulfillment with.
Click Merge fulfillment.
Cancel a fulfillment
When you cancel a fulfillment, the fulfillment status of the order changes to Unfulfilled, and then you can buy a new shipping label or create a new fulfillment for the order.
If you have purchased a shipping label, then you must void it before you can cancel the fulfillment.
Canceling a fulfillment in your Shopify admin doesn't stop a fulfillment that's in progress. If you use a fulfillment service, then contact your service to cancel the fulfillment.
Last updated